Explore Toon Boom Harmony.
Video call with me!

Peg and Drawings
The basic working method of how Harmony fundamentally works.
We’ll cover this sometimes confusing subject to make it clear and get you animating correctly and speedily.
Start as you mean to go on. Preferences can be very intimidating- particularly since there are so many of them. We’ll go through the best options for you, together.

Menus & Toolbars
There are so many buttons to push in Harmony that it can initially be quite overwhelming.
We'll go through the toolbars together so you'll know what tools you'll need and how you'll need them

Drawing Tools & Best Practice
There’s nothing worse than starting a project and getting really far, only to find that there were several things one could have done to make production more efficient and impressive.
We’ll cover many different ways you can draw in Harmony and which will be best practices for the sort of work you wish to make.
Keyframes, Exposures & Timing
The peg and drawing system allows for computer aided movement in so many different ways it’s important to know how you can own the system, rather than it owning you.
Together, we'll cover the bases.
Ask your own questions
Obviously they'll be a lot to cover, but the journey of learning is very personal, so feel free to ask as many questions as you like along the way

These are amazing as they allow you rigs to be manipulated much more quickly and more creativity than if you just use drawings and deformations.
Constraints can initially be confusing, but I can help guide you so you become a Constraints master
Deformation Techniques
Deformations are great, but they also have their downsides if used incorrectly, or just too much.
I can show you the very best ways you can use them in various parts of your rigs
Inverse Kinematics
There is more than one way to create IK in harmony, so I will show you all the ways that I know and we can work together to make sure you are able to pick the best one for your future projects
Boil Techniques
There are a myriad of different ways to make rigs ‘boil’ in Harmony- particularly for puppet based characters, from the ultra subtle manually controllable, to a frenzied vibration set on automatic.
We can go through the most appropriate methods for your production.
Function Stitching
By linking one aspect of your rig to another, we can create miraculous animation shortcuts which can truly elevate the work onto another level of quality and efficiency often with very little effort. We’ll go through the correct methods of linking things, with all the benefits and none of the tangled mess so your puppet can still move freely and have true customisation despite the interlinking connections
Bespoke Questions
Want to know something not listed on here but you don’t know the answer? Why not ask me what you want to know before you book and I can let you know if I can help you, and how long we may need the session to be.

Faster Rigs
Once you know how to make rigs that are light and effortless to use, you’ll cringe at all the things you used to do before and take for granted.
I can also demonstrate methods for quickly adding speed to rigs that just are fundamentally heavy.
Lip Sync Techniques
Moving a mouth successfully can be hard work, and there are several approaches you can take very much depending on your project’s style and budget.
We can take a look at several methods together and you can pick the one you want
Suggested Topics

Slow & Heavy Rigs
There is nothing worse than a sludgy rig, slowing the flow of production to a juddering halt, upsetting producers and animators alike.
I’ll take a look at your rig and see what sort of thing needs to be done to improve the situation.
A Non Disclosure Agreement for me to sign first is recommended.
Broken Rigs
A rig with parts that break can really drive you mad. You can spend hours searching for the solution and JUST don’t understand what’s going on.
I can help you solve the issues you may be having and even suggest ways to avoid such problems in the future

Deformation Replacements
Deformations are great, but they can be overused and sometimes these can slow the system right down.
I can suggest other methods you can employ that reduce your over dependence on the wonderful green strands and still allow your rig to fly.

Bugs & Ways Around Them
No app is perfect, and there are occasionally bugs that occur within your favourite animation program.
I have yet to find a bug that is totally destructive however, and I may be able to suggest workarounds and alternative methods that allow you to get back to animating quickly.
Are you finding your output is slow for some reason?
I can suggest working methods that may help you increase your efficiency and it may even improve the quality of the work.
Ask your own questions
Each rig is unique, so feel free to ask questions if feel you need more assistance to help prevent further puppet injuries.

Suggested Topics

All virtual sessions are recorded, and the footage can be downloaded later for personal reference.
Pick a call

Master Control
First Steps
Depending on your experience, Master Controllers can be very confusing territory, so a series of semi-bespoke tutorials and lots of questions are anticipated!
By the end, I'll help you be able to create any kind of basic Master Controller and to fundamentally understand what is actually happening.
Timeline Setup & Organisation
Master Controllers can get out of control VERY quickly, so it’s very important to make sure you start as you mean to go on.
I will show you how to lay everything out properly so that you are able to create and edit your rigs fast with comfort and predictably.

Node Setup & Organisation
There is a certain flexibility when manipulating nodes using Master Controllers, but you have to know what your are doing and what will break the setup to get the very most out of a MC controlled node system.
I will show you how to make sure your node system is MC ready.

Head Setups
Moving a head around as easily as moving a joystick. These are the most common Master Controller types most people want to know, but there are plenty of ways they can go wrong.
I will guide you to help make sure you never do.
Body Setups
Body Master Controllers are more subtle than Head ones and can get very complicated very quickly due to their less clear structure. I will help to show you how these can be created for excellent manipulation later down the line
Bespoke Setups
Please message me prior to the booking so that I have a good idea of the sort of thing you wish to know and how long we may need for the session.